Managed by the Eurofighter GmbH consortium, the 'Eurofighter Kuwait' programme is not only an agreement for the purchase of 28 Eurofighter Typhoons for the Kuwaiti Air Force. It is also part of a broader and deeper collaboration between the Italian Air Force and the Kuwaiti Air Force encompassing operations, pilot training and operational support.
Operational development activities are carried out by Leonardo, through the Customer Support Services & Training (CSS&T) structure, and its subsidiary Leonardo Aviation Services (LAS).
How is Leonardo Global Solutions (LGS) involved in the Eurofighter Programme? We asked Michelangelo Fani, Head of Performance and Digital Services at LGS, and Massimo Chiominto, Senior Vice President Customer Support & Training at Leonardo's Aircraft Division.
"LGS participates in the strategically decisive process of selecting suppliers and analysing costs, and then supports the management of the services provided in various areas," explains Michelangelo Fani. "But that's not all," he continues, "activities involving LGS include scounting and procuring specialised engineering and logistical support services. In addition, LGS drew up the contract for pilot training activities, both in the air and on the ground, at the Ali Al-Salem airbase."
"The cornerstone of Leonardo Global Solutions' support to CSS&T in the Kuwait Programme is the management of the supply chain for services covering the entire project life cycle," clarifies Massimo Chiominto. "The total synergy between LGS and the Aircraft Division is underlined by LGS's active participation in the programme's Integrated Project Team (IPT)."
LGS is thus involved across the entire life cycle of the programme, starting with research and selection of suppliers and scouting, in the preliminary phase, followed by the Set-up, then the Ramp-up - the current phase of the programme - before entering the Steady State, in other words the final stabilisation phase. In the Set-up phase, LGS was responsible for the selection of partners in the search for residential accommodation, related facilities and administrative services for Leonardo Aviation Services (LAS) employees.
To go into a little more detail, employees are supported by partners in all activities relating to the administration of employment contracts, including tax aspects, as well as the issuing of visas and residence permits.
The type of accommodation was selected based on a number of requirements to ensure an appropriate level of comfort and personal safety, including surveillance, recreational areas, including sports facilities (swimming pool and gymnasium), and a dedicated private home-work transport service.
During the current Ramp-up phase, LGS is jointly managing the service contracts for training activities with CSS&T. Indeed, the modern training concept extends to a complete range of ground-based training and learning systems, designed in parallel with the aircraft, offering customers a product portfolio consisting of full mission simulators, flight training devices, interactive courses, mission planning and de-briefing systems, all of which make up the Ground Based Training System (GBTS).
In summary, Leonardo Global Solutions is acting as Leonardo's partner in the implementation of the 'Eurofighter Kuwait' programme, which involves numerous countries and covers multiple areas, including international relations, synergy between public institutions, the Armed Forces, and industry, as well as research and technological innovation both on board the aircraft and in every aspect of logistical support for operations.