You first need to pass three accreditation phases in order to be invited to negotiations with LGS and the internal departments.
You become one of the Potential Suppliers, i.e. the Suppliers who can be invited to take part in LGS negotiation processes. Potential Suppliers will be asked to complete specific questionnaires for any product categories they are applying for and regular updates may be required.
Self-accredited suppliers on the portal are given potential status: i.e. a company or professional that we know is there, but have not yet had contact with.
How to complete registration: (List of Suppliers User Manual downloadable PDF)
Becoming a pre-qualified supplier is a prerequisite for taking part in LGS negotiation processes. This process involves ethical-legal and economic-financial requirements being assessed.
Pre-qualification status means the supplier meets the condition of being on the Leonardo List of Suppliers, and is unique for all departments.
Pre-qualification status lasts for twenty-four months if successful and twelve months in the event of conditional Pre-qualification at the end of which the supplier will be given the status of Expired Pre-qualification. If the supplier has a valid Qualification status, a Pre-qualification review will be automatically launched well in advance before the expiry date.
Being a qualified supplier is a prerequisite for signing a contract or issuing a purchase order from LGS.
The technical-organisational and production requirements of the supplier are assessed in this process and the issuing of the qualification is monitored by the Procurement and/or Quality System departments.