
Giampaolo Migliorini: "Tenacity, focus on goals and teamwork are the main ingredients for building success"

Head of Operations
Business Unit Real Estate, Facility & Environmental Services


According to McKynsey & Company, 'Operations is the beating heart and area of greatest value creation in many industries and companies, but also the area of greatest management complexity'. What are the ingredients for achieving excellence in Operations?

For a company, Operations is the transmission and the wheels that unload the engine's power to the ground and are the result of a good business vision that is, in turn, transformed into good execution. They imply a strict application and standardisation of procedures, but also continuous improvements of processes and production methods. Above all, Operations are made of people contributing, through their daily activities, to the management of complex processes, structured contracts, challenging works. Excellence in Operations is achieved with the creation of a cohesive team, ensuring that everyone understands and shares the values and acts according to the rules, but above all by simplifying processes with a view to lean management and empowering resources.


Winston Churchill said: "Success is not final and failure is not fatal": how do we build the former and avoid the latter?

Failure can happen: you deal with it by piecing together the small or large pieces of your mission. You can avoid it by evaluating the lessons learnt and calculating the risks, and retracing your routes to achieve your goals. Tenacity, focus on goals and teamwork are the main ingredients for building success. It's also necessary to be flexible and ready to face the complexity of a contest that changes constantly, to know how to work in a team, with professionalism and, at the same time, generosity towards colleagues. My previous professional experiences allow me to share with colleagues an organisational model that helps to work well together, even if distant. Italy is not the world, but many of our sites are geographically distant and our colleagues must feel supported by the "centre" and know that it's working for them too. Therefore, for my colleagues in the territory, it is my job to act as a trait d'union between the central strategies and the needs of the peripheral realities, like a transmission belt that effectively transfers the guidelines of top management and consolidates the sense of belonging to our LGS.




We talk a lot about "innovation" and with many meanings: what is "innovation" for you? Is there still room for challenges?

Pursuing a particular objective creatively by building, through a new process that is leaner, more efficient and more sustainable than the previous one, a different way of doing things. Innovation should be a lens through which to watch and question obsolete organisational processes and models, without, however, ever going too far in changing what has been good. In my opinion, challenge is at the core of any engagement, both professional and life. Challenge means unravelling the "Gordian knot", or rather solving complex problems, opening up new roads by stepping out of the "comfort zone".


A message to share.

Leonardo Global Solutions is a company that supports the business of the entire Leonardo Group. We also belong to it and our work helps to realise the industrial excellence produced in our factories. Pursuing excellence involves vision, positivity and enthusiasm. Today we already apply international best practices in this company, but continuous improvement leads us to become more efficient and effective. Innovation also starts with us: we act smart by keeping our team cohesive.